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佛山企业英语培训:company culture
发布者:管理员 发布时间:2018-10-27 阅读:2322     
文本来源:佛山企业英语培训 爱德华国际英语
 company culture是商务英语人士经常谈论的问题,也是商务英语考试涉及的话题,下面是一些有关company culture的短句,希望它们能够帮助小伙伴们更好地谈论与公司文化相关的话题。
Part one
 1、I like taking time to have a chat with colleagues even if this means spending more time at work. 我喜欢抽空和同事多交谈,即使这意味着在工作上要花更多的时间。
2、It's nice when people at work celebrate birthdays or special occasions. 人们在工作场合庆祝生日或纪念特别的时刻是件很棒的事情。
3、I prefer people to fix a time to meet me rather than come to my office or my desk at any time. 我喜欢人们和我见面前先约好时间 ,而不是来办公室或办公桌找我。
4、I don't like working in an open space with everyone's desk in the same area. I work better in an office of my own. 我不喜欢开放式的办公空间,大家都做在一起,我在自己独立的办公室里会工作得更好。
 5、I like to put photos and personal objects in my workplace. 我喜欢在工作场所摆放照片和私人物品。
 Part two
1、If I disagree with my boss, I should be able to tell him|her. 如果我不同意老板的意见,我应该可以告诉他。
2、I prefer to receive a formal report about my work, not just casual comments. 我喜欢收到一份关于我工作的正式报告,而不仅仅是一些随意的评论。
3、When my boss gives me something to do, I like to get detailed instructions that I can follow. 当我的老板让我做事的时候,我喜欢得到详细的指示,然后我就可以按照指示去做了。
 4、It's important for me to feel I am involved in the decision-making process at work. 对我来说,在工作中参与决策过程是很重要的。
5、A company should have standard procedures and policies that everyone must follow, not ones which change with people's situations or personalities. 公司应该有一套标准的程序及政策,每个人必须遵守,不因个人情况或个性而有所不同。
Part three
1、A company must keep up with the times. 公司必须与时俱进。
2、I need to take on challenges to make my job interesting. 我需要接受挑战,使我的工作变得有趣。
 3、When planning a strategy, it is useful to look at what has worked well in the past. 在制定战略时,看看过去的成功经验是很有用的。
4、A company should be proud of its traditions. 公司应该为自己的传统感到骄傲。
5、Finally, which of these proverbs do you prefer? 最后,你更喜欢哪种谚语?
a. Better safe than sorry 宁可事先谨慎有余,不要事后追悔莫及
b. Nothing ventured, nothing gained 不入虎穴,焉得虎子
文本来源:佛山企业英语培训 爱德华国际英语

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