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发布者:管理员 发布时间:2018-10-23 阅读:1845     
文本来源:佛山商务英语培训 爱德华国际英语
我们每天都在忙忙碌碌地生活着,那么你知道“我很忙”除了“I am very busy "之外居然还有其他不同地道表达吗,赶紧来学习下吧!
1.a million things “一百万件事情”,也就是有很多很多事情的意思。
 It's hard to slow down when you are trying to do a million things. 当你想要做成百上千件事情的时候是很难慢下来的。
2. be as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌,忙死忙活的
He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order. 他为了要把家里弄得整整齐齐,忙了好一阵子。
 【类似】I am as busy as a ticking clock.我忙得像滴滴答答的钟。
3. be busy as a beaver 忙得团团转
He is working so hard that he is busy as a beaver. 他没日没夜地工作,看起来很忙。
4. be piled up pile up是堆起来,积累,所以如果你想说工作都堆积如山了,你可以用上这句。
My work is piled up on my desk. It really makes me crazy! 我的工作在我桌上堆满了,真让我抓狂啊!
5. be tied up 被占用,很忙。tie是动词系、绑的意思,被某件事情绑住了,就走不开了咯! I'll be tied up the rest of the week, I am afraid. 这个星期我恐怕都抽不出时间。
 6. be up to one’s neck 忙得不可开交 I can’t possibly come out tonight. I'm up to my neck in work. 今晚我不可能出来了,我的工作忙得不可开交。
7. have irons in/on the fire同时有(很多)事情要做 Don't have too many irons in/on the fire. 不要揽太多事。
 8. in the middle of (doing) sth. 正忙于某事 I'm in the middle of something. Could you call (me) back later? 我现在很忙,你能过会儿给我打电话吗?
文本来源:佛山商务英语培训 爱德华国际英语

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