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发布者:管理员 发布时间:2018-10-14 阅读:805     
1 Yet the days crept by, andthere could be no doubt that Fluffy was still alive and well behind the lockeddoor. 不过随着时间一天天地过去,似乎路威仍然在那扇紧锁的门后面,安然无恙地活着。
2 "Hermione, the exams are ages away."  “赫敏,考试离我们还有好几百年呢。”
3 Harry was almost glad that the exams weren't far away. 哈利简直很高兴快要考试了。
4 The minutes dragged by. 时间一分一秒过得很慢。
5 He could hear Neville sobbing into his pillowfor what seemed like hours. 他可以听见纳威伏在枕头上哭泣,哭了很长时间。
 6 He, Ron, and Hermione kept to themselves, working late into the night, trying to remember the ingredients in complicatedpotions, learn charms and spells by heart, memorize the dates of magicaldiscoveries and goblin rebellions....
 他、罗恩和赫敏三个人总是单独在一起,每天复习到深夜,努力记住复杂的魔药配方,记住那些魔法和咒语,记住重大魔术发明和妖精叛乱的日期..(work late into the night )
7 For a split second, Uncle Vernon stood framed in the doorway; 一时间,弗农姨父在门口呆住了。
8 In an instant he had pulled Mr. Weasley and Mr.Malfoy apart. 一眨眼就把韦斯莱先生和马尔福先生拉开了。
文本来源:佛山雅思培训 爱德华国际英语

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