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发布者:管理员 发布时间:2018-8-29 阅读:2005     
文本来源:佛山企业英语培训 爱德华国际英语
最近关注《中国新说唱》的小伙伴一定被凡凡的“Skr,太Skr了”金句洗脑了吧!Skr这三个字母可以说真的是自带发音效果!看到就忍不住直接念出来。由于太火了!甚至被收录进美国俚语词典。Kris Wu真的太skr啦!(现学现用)凡凡带火了《中国新说唱》,《中国新说唱》带火chinese rap,小编了解凡凡,了解这档节目,现在要了解rap。
 Flow 节奏韵律 Did you like the flow of that guy’s rapping? 你喜欢那个家伙说唱的节奏和韵律吗?
While not an actual segment in a rap song, flow is nonetheless an important number in any rap performance. It refers to the combination of rhythm and rhyme. A rap song with a good flow is one that has lyrics that blend well together with the beat and/or the music.
虽然不是饶舌歌曲中的实际音段,“Flow”仍然是任何饶舌表演的重要部分。 它指的是节奏和韵律的结合。 一首具有好的节奏和韵律的饶舌歌曲是指那些歌词和节拍融合地很好的音乐。
Hook 副歌 I love this rap song because it has a great hook. 我喜欢这首说唱歌曲因为它有一个很好的副歌。
A “hook” serves as the chorus and is repeated a few times (3 or 4 on average) throughout the rap. More often than not, it is 8 bars in length. In rap songs, the hook is often accompanied by musical instruments or louder beats and may be delivered more melodically, creating a high point in the number. “Hook”指的是副歌,在整个说唱中会被重复几次(平均3或4次)。 通常,它的长度为8小节。 在饶舌歌曲中,副歌通常伴随着乐器或更响亮的节拍,并且能以较丰富的旋律来传递,从而让歌曲上达到高潮点。
Verse 主歌
What’s your favourite verse in the song? 你最喜欢这首歌的哪个主歌段落?
While repeated like the hook, the verse is often considered as its counterpoint and is played with fewer musical instruments to provide a contrast to the energy of the chorus. The verse is typically 16 bars in length. 虽然像副歌一样一直重复,主歌经常被认为是副歌的对位。主歌一般用较少的乐器演奏,旨在和副歌形成对比。 主歌的长度通常为16小节。
文本来源:佛山企业英语培训 爱德华国际英语

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